Olympia Presbytery is a Pathways to Flourishing presbytery

Pathways is a contextual and strategic 1001 initiative specifically designed for presbyteries. Funding for this initiative come from the Presbytery Grant for Congregational Transformation recently awarded to aid our ongoing journey of transformation.

We began this work in 2010 with the establishment of the Futures Task Force. Their work led in 2011 to the adoption of “The Mission is the Message”. One of the hallmarks of this transformation was the sale of the Presbytery building, know as the Tillicum Center. Presbytery staff now work remotely. In 2019 we made a commitment to the Vital Congregations Initiative/VCI that involved eleven congregations and pastors working cohorts.

Olympia Presbytery is home to several innovative and impactful 1001 new worshipping communities including Hagar’s Community Church located inside Washington’s Correction Center for Women, Gather Tacoma nested at Fircrest Presbyterian Church, and Lakewood Grace an extension of Little Church on the Prairie.

In 2020 Olympia identified as a Matthew 25 presbytery. This focus is transforming our churches and leaders as we seek congregational vitality, as we work to dismantle structural racism, and explore tangible ways to eradicate systemic poverty. We are currently working to dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery in relation to our camping ministry.

Our missional practices are outlined in the 2021 commitments Mission, Vision & Design concepts outlined here. These include wrapping up the VCI in faithful ways: by calling new pastoral leadership, reforming congregations, concluding a new worshipping community, and dissolving a congregation.

Most recently, in May 2023 we hosted a day-long Exploring Missional Leadership workshop in partnership with 1001. More than a third of our congregations participated in this learning opportunity. Several continued their journey through coaching, conversation, and connectional events. The next learning opportunity takes place May 6-8 2024 at the Accelerator event in Seattle.

Who do I contact to learn more?

Rev. Taeler Morgan, founder of Gather Tacoma and transitional pastor at Fircrest PC, recently began serving OlyPres as Missional Cultivator. In this role Taeler leads discernment workshops, coaches leaders, and guides cohorts of learners is building missional capacity skills.

2024 Events Click to learn more about online and in person training opportunities.

How do I start?

Typically one begins a journey like this by joining with others to explore what ‘missional leadership’ looks like for the future. Exploring Missional Leadership is a workshop offered in partnership with the 1001 Movement of the PCUSA. It is called EML for short.  The EML is an opportunity for pastors and leaders in your church and throughout our presbytery to come together for training, discussion, and discernment around what ‘missional leadership’ looks like for the future of our churches.

What is the purpose of the EML workshop?

The primary purpose of the EML is to grow our imaginations for what the Church can look like in our local contexts. We all know that churches and denominations have been steadily declining for years, but the issue is so large and deeply rooted, it can be hard to imagine what we can do about it. The EML offers an opportunity to learn more about the skills and competencies necessary to think in creative and entrepreneurial ways as faith and community leaders. 

Is this something that’s for people starting NEW churches or for established churches? 

It is for both. This is a first step for folks who want to start a new worshiping community, but it is also a great opportunity for churches who want to explore starting new kinds of endeavors within their existing congregations to learn more about what missional leadership looks like in that context, hear about a variety of resources and grants available, and hear about what others have done.

Why does Olympia Presbytery periodically host EML workshops? 

We host EML workshops because we are aware that our congregations need resources like this to encourage creative and practical thinking about their future. 

Are you ready for Missional Leadership? Take an online self-assessment to learn more.

When is EML taking place next? 

Olympia Presbytery anticipates hosting an EML early in 2025.