Pulpit Supply

When your church needs someone to fill the pulpit, please utilize the following information.

The suggested honorarium range set by the Presbytery is $125-200, plus mileage reimbursement at the current IRS established rate.

Please assign an experienced and confident lay person to lead worship and advise that person that she/he will have an expanded role given that there is a guest preacher. 

The lay person should be prepared to do the welcome, prayers of the people, announcements, intro of visitors and any other portions of the service that are unique to your congregation--it makes no sense to have an outsider do these portions who don't know the people or the concerns. 

Please take some time to talk with the guest preacher ahead of time about the order of worship and any other unique aspects of your worship or congregation, including children's sermons. Please allow the guest preacher to select her/his preaching Scriptures. Not everyone uses the Lectionary. Please let your lay leader know that the guest preacher may ask her/him to read various passages. Please also let your lay leader know that the preacher might incorporate the reading of the preaching Scripture into the sermon itself. 

Please assign someone to greet the guest preacher on Sunday morning, to answer any questions and to assist with any last-minute preparations. Please ask the lay leader to come at least 30 minutes early to coordinate final details with the guest preacher. 

If the guest preacher is someone who works full time, please be aware that she/he may have her/his hands full writing a sermon and may not be able/willing to take a larger role in the service beyond preaching. 

Please have the guest preacher's check ready the morning that she/he preaches. Please do not put the guest preacher in the position of having to call the church the next week to ask about payment. 

Send a thank-you to the guest preacher and incorporate any comments heard from congregation members. It is helpful for guest preachers in assessing their own preaching to have your feedback.

- From the Commission on Ministry (COM)

Contact information is listed in the secure online database (Breeze). Use the member login in the page footer below.

  • Rev. Dave Brown (Tacoma)

    Rev. Deanna Gemmer, Hagar’s Community (Bremerton)

    Bo Helmich (Belfair)

    Rev. Elizabeth Archer Klein (Snohomish)

    Rev. Garrett Lordahl (University Place)

    Rev. Anne-Cecile Porter (Puyallup)

    Beth Prev (University Place)

    Rev. Jenny Rake-Marona (University Place)

    Rev. Elaine Jones Swigart (Lake Tapps)

    Rev. Bill Ward (Lakewood)

    W. Preston Woodwall Jr. (Tacoma)

  • Rev. Deanna Gemmer, Hagar’s Community (Bremerton)

    Rev. Melody Young       (Tumwater)

    Rev. Tammy Stampfli (Olympia)

  • Rev. Deanna Gemmer, Hagar’s Community (Bremerton)

    Rev. Rob Hagan  (Vancouver)